I freely choose to undergo facial acupuncture treatments, knowing that there are no guaranteed results.
I understand that although acupuncture is a generally safe procedure and the majority of patients do not experience these complications, there are still risks including: bruises, hematomas, puffiness, redness, pain or other symptoms at the site of the needles on the face or body during or after treatment. I understand that this is an addendum to the overall informed consent that I have previously read and consented to.
I understand that the purpose of Facial Acupuncture may include enhanced skin tone, improved luster of complexion, decreased puffiness/darkness around the eyes, elimination or reduction of fine wrinkles, improved muscle tone, a firming of sagging skin, and a lessening of the visible signs of aging. Facial acupuncture is an organic process that is cumulative in effect. I understand the treatments are gradual and a natural process that is customized for each individual, and that individual results may vary. Although good results are expected, there are no guarantees of the results that may be obtained. I feel comfortable with the communication and expectations that has been discussed with my practitioner.
Compliance is important in obtaining the best results possible. I understand the treatment plan presented to me by my practitioner is a starting point for treatments and that it may be adjusted over time as the treatments unfold.
I completely understand all these risks and expectations, and freely agree to undergo these treatments.